
About Ethic’s

Hello! To all my brethren my name is Minister Richard E Russell and I bring you greetings and love in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, concerning a topic that is very dear to our Lord and creators heart for his people but before you dive into this book I would like you to know a little bit about me and my background so that you see where God has brought me from in my life by this way of holiness throughout the years, I've been called a Goody Two Shoes, Holier Than Thou, I've been teased and told that no one is perfect in this world and I'm saying all this to let you see through a small part of my testimony, I am trying to paint a picture of what holiness not only means to me but what is should mean to you let's begin,I was born in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana and by living in Baton Rouge I don't mean an upper-class area but I would consider the area I was raised in one of the lowest if not the lowest income area in the city of Baton Rouge, the neighborhood I grew up in was called the park area or today's name is called Parkside and Gus Young Avenue runs directly in the middle of it, I am the oldest of six siblings, my mom died when I was in the fifth grade, I didn't meet my dad until I was at the age of 19, me and my siblings were raised by my 76-year-old grandma along with my uncles six children, so as you can see just from this point I'm kind of like Gideon being the lowest of the lowest in the lowest area of the city and by being black and on welfare it pushed me down even lower on the scale of economics, as I was saying earlier my grandmother was raising 12+ the fact that there were 3 of her own adult sons living in the rundown house in the area called the park, all my uncles had to be in their late 30s to mid 40s while living in the same house, the house itself was a run down shack that needed to have been condemn, there was no electricity, a roof that leaked in just about every room, we had no kitchen, my grandma used a hotplate to prepare all the meals and I'm not saying all this to make you feel sorry or to sympathize with me, I'm saying all this to paint a picture of what the power of God through holiness can do, growing up as a kid it in the late 60s through the 80s, I thought that holiness was just being in a good family with a mom and dad but it was not until I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into my life and to my heart on January 5, 1985, that's a date that I will never forget, January 5 was the day I took my first baby steps into this journey called Holiness and I can tell you from a true heart that my life has never been the same.